Adult Faith Formation:
Altar Linen
Altar Servers
Angliss Hospital Chaplaincy
Artistry and Craftsmanship
Baptismal Team:
Bereavement Support
Building Maintenance
Catechist Sacramental Program
Catechists assist in the preparation of parish children attending schools other than St John’s Catholic School for the Sacraments of First Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation. Lessons are held after school or on weekends, subject to the availability of Catechists.
Charismatic Prayer Group (Contact person – Maree Wilson)
Meet each Tuesday 10.15 am to 1 pm in the Parish Hall
Children’s Liturgy (Co-ordinator – Mary Makarucha – contact via Parish Office )
Choirs and Musicians
6pm Saturday Mass: Youthful Choir, Contact person: __________ Practice: 5pm just before Mass.
9am Sunday Mass: Contact person: Maree Wilson via the Parish Office
11am Sunday Mass: Lyle and Bonnie Hoefer, Kevin Woodhouse – on a roster.
Church Computer Operators
Collection Counters
Communion to the Sick / Housebound and Home Visitation
Cuppa After Mass
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion / Eucharistic Ministers
Family Groups (Contact person – John O’Halloran)
Small groups of families and individuals within the Parish who gather socially and support one another.
Finance Committee
First Friday Mass and Luncheon
Flower Arranging (Co-ordinator-Marg Houlihan)
4th Knox Scout Group – Contact person – Suzanne Schaap
Friendship Gathering
Gardening Team
Hall Hire
Information regarding Hire rates and conditions available from respective offices.
History Team (Co-ordinator – Aileen Knox)
Parish Office – Monday from 9.30 am
“Just as we develop our faith from the stories in the Gospels, so also we can build a stronger community spirit from the stories of our parish heritage. The History Team has gathered, preserved and will share our stories for future generations. To include the story of your family in this collection contact Aileen Knox.”
Holy Hour
Praying for our priests has been declared by the Church a loving duty of the laity and this can be done through the ‘Apostolate of Prayer for Priests’ (Holy Hour). This Holy Hour is held on the first Friday of the month. It starts with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at 10am, singing of a hymn, reading of the Format and recitation of the Sorrowful Mysteries, followed by a little quiet time. Mass then follows at 11am. New members are very welcome to join us and help support our priests in this prayerful way.
Home Visitation
Knights of the Southern Cross – Contact person – Peter Finn
An Order of Catholic men committed to promoting the advancement of Australia by
Lectors (Contact person – Mary Makarucha)
Lenten Prayer Groups:
Liturgy Planning Team
Marriage Preparation Six months’ notice required
Mass Offerings Collectors
Netball Club
O.S.H. C. (Out of School Hours Care) (School Office)
Parents and Friends (School Office)
Parish Diary
Parish Hall Hire
Parish Pastoral Group
Parish Weekend Bulletin
Piety Stall
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA
Sacramental Program: First Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation (School Office)
Sacristans (Contact person – Sue Nicholls)
Practical assistance is provided by the Sacristans to our Parish and visiting priests by setting up of the Church, the Altar, the credence table and computer for all liturgies held in our Church including Parish Masses, Rosaries, Funerals and Baptisms.
Candles, microphones, lights, sound systems, Parish Bulletins, special collection envelops and correct linen for the occasion are checked and prepared. The Sacristan ensures that Altar Servers, Readers and sufficient Extraordinary Ministers are present, and visiting priests are informed and assisted as necessary.
St Vincent de Paul Society (President – Peter Finn)
St Vincent de Paul Centre (Vinnies Op Shop – Unit 7/1821 Ferntree Gully Rd, Ferntree Gully 9758 8501)
School Board (School Office)
Seasons (School Office)
Small Neighbourhood Communities
Social Justice Group (Contact person – Patrick Sawyer)
This group meets monthly to discuss social justice issues and talk about how we, as a Parish, can be kept informed and help others:
Tennis Club (Co-ordinator – Maureen Lawson)
Provide coaching for beginners
Foster a team building spirit
Maintain courts to competition standards
Provide social tennis for all families
The Knox-Vincentian Scholarship Scheme (Contact person – Chris Markwick)
The Knox-Vincentian Scholarship Committee is sponsored by the Knox-Sherbrooke Region of the St Vincent de Paul Society, The Knox Community Welfare Fund and St John the Baptist Parish, Ferntree Gully. It offers some assistance with school costs to needy students residing within the City of Knox. The sole criterion for eligibility is financial necessity. Assistance is offered to a maximum of $300 per student beneficiary on the school principal’s advice that he/she is living in circumstances of financial need. Grants may be used to purchase books, uniforms or to cover the costs of school camps, excursions or other extra-curricular activities.
Transport to Mass (Weekends)
Welcomers at Mass (Contact person – Patrick Sawyer)
Welcoming New Parishioners
Working Bees