Sacraments are a visible sign of invisible grace, a physical gift given to us.
Sacraments are a visible sign of invisible grace, a physical gift given to us.
St John the Baptist Parish offers the opportunity for children to receive their first reconciliation every alternative year. Parents of children wanting to make their first reconciliation are asked to contact the parish office (9758 1029) to register and receive information about when the after-school preparation classes will take place.
Program for 2025 will begin in Term 1 2025. Application Form link below.
St John the Baptist Parish offers the opportunity for children to receive their first Eucharist every alternative year. Parents of children wanting to make their first Eucharist are asked to contact the parish office (9758 1029) to register and receive information about when the after-school preparation classes will take place.
St John the Baptist Parish offers the opportunity for children to make their confirmation every alternative year. Parents of children wanting to make their confirmation are asked to contact the parish office (9758 1029) to register and receive information about when the after-school preparation classes will take place.
Application Form: RE-Application-2025_StJohntheBaptist
If you would like to learn more about the Catholic faith in an informal non- confrontational manner the you can contact our parish office (9758 1029) to find out when the next RCIA programme will run. The format is a get together in a casual atmosphere to discuss what it means to be Catholic and explore the Catholic faith. This may lead to you becoming a Catholic or it may be a way for you to learn more without any commitment also.
Weddings are by appointment and six months’ notice is required. They may be held on a Saturday or weekday but not a Sunday. Please contact the parish office (9758 1029) for more information.
This sacrament is offered to those who are sick. The patient is prayed over and anointed with oil. Please contact Fr Thomas (9758 1029) if you are requesting this sacrament for yourself or someone else.
The sacrament where someone becomes a Deacon, Priest or Bishop. If you are interested in joining the religious life then please contact Fr Thomas (9758 1029) to have a chat.